DILM32-XHI 4 CONTACTE, Auxiliare

DILM32-XHI22 – Bloc contacte auxiliare

29,80 lei fără TVA / Cu TVA: 35,46 lei

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DILM32-XHI22 – Auxiliary contact module, Type: Front mounting auxiliary contact, 4 pole, Ith= 16 A, 2 N/O,  2 NC, Front fixing, Screw terminals
DILM32-XHI22 – Modul de contact auxiliar, Contact auxiliar de montaj frontal, 4 poli, Ith = 16 A, 2 NO,  2 NC, Fixare frontală, Borne cu șurub


For use with  : DILM(C)7-10…,DILM(C)9-10…,DILM(C)12-10…,DILM(C)15-10…,DILM(C)17-10…,DILM(C)25-10…,DILM(C)32-10…

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