
Convertor analogic, RMCL55BD

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RMCL55BD, Convertor, analogic,
Gama de produse Zelio Analog
Tip produs sau componenta Convertor de tensiune/curent
Tip de intrare analogica Curent 0…20 mA
Curent 4…20 mA
Tensiune +/- 10 V c.c.
Tensiune 0…10 V c.c.
Tip iesire analogica Curent 0…20 mA <= 500 Ohm switchable
Curent 4…20 mA <= 500 Ohm switchable
Tensiune +/- 10 V >= 100 kOhm switchable
Tensiune 0…10 V >= 100 kOhm switchable